Sleep Disorder

*Wednesday, 25th July 2007*

Man, they're back again. I meant my insomnia. Last week, I'm starting to have difficulties to sleep and even I was able to close my eyes, I find myself awoke almost every hour after that. Talking about blinking your sleepy eyes in the dark...

I first experienced a terrible sleeping disorder aka insomnia early this year after broke up with G. I was unable to get to close my eyes every night for about 2 months, despite that I know I'm damn sleepy and tired.

Expect to see darker circles under my eyes every morning... and starting to get sleepy now while I'm typing this.


Janvier said...

S'never easy when something like a breakup happens - that's why we make sure the wine is handy for a nightcap, or alternatively our sinus meds as they might knock us out too.

Jason said...

Sinus med? That thing can help to put us to sleep?

Janvier said...

Well, some sinus/flu meds have a side effect of making people sleepy (asides drying up nose and mouth). We don't recommend this if insomnia is chronic/has been going on for quite some time, of course.

Jason said...

It sounds like you're working for pharmacy or something like that..

wmw said...

Aiyah...think of Daniel Henney...
Oh wait...that will keep you awake more! Hahaha!

Jason said...

WMW: I think that will make me drool in sleep :P