A Bangkok Love Story? (Prelude to Bangkok Trip, July 2008)

*Tuesday, 3rd June 2008*

Club-hopping was a bit boring, frankly speaking. But the night was still early and instead of spend time scouting for interesting stuff at Patpong night bazaar, the guys prefer to spend the time in clubs where there's plenty of eye candies and air-conditioning.


Competition between clubs reigned here, which is just off Suriwongse street. Staffs from different clubs will persuade you to go to theirs and when necessary, they'll use force by pulling you.

"I feel like punching that guy who pulled me just now."

As the mamasan scurried around to find us seats, our eyes scanned the surroundings wildly, anticipating something that worth the hassle of going through the barricades of staffs outside. Boys (and a few guys) clad in just white undies with number were filling up the small stage, constantly throwing smiles to the patrons.

You came down from the stage, in front of me and turned to look at me. I look back almost instantly and I suddenly had the urge to smile. Our eye contact locked on each other - I remembered I didn't blink my eye at that very moment, until you slowly disappeared into the crowd that just came in.

"Did you see anyone you like yet?"

I shook my head but I know I'm lying.

The show started after that and somehow, I'm relieved that you're not one of the "performers". And then, I saw you walking around, probably looking for your friends at backstage. This time, as you passed by in front of our seats, you hurled a soft smile while your eyes staring boldly at me. I tried to flinch but something in me forced me to return the smile and... I did.

"Hey, that number 21 was looking at you throughout the night!"

"You think so too?"

"It's so obvious-lah!"

As the shows over, we asked for the bill and I felt heavy inside. Tonight is our last night here, which means I only be able to see you again on my next visit (if only you still working at the same place by that time, that's it). You're now fully dressed and look just fine with a dark green tee, jeans and brown sling bag and joking around with your friends aka "colleagues" near the entrance door. I reluctantly followed the guys... you saw me and smile to me again. No flinching this time, I smiled back, nodded a bit and walk towards the door.

The guys were already far away in front of me. I turned back and gave the club a last gaze. Perhaps the guys realised that I wasn't with them, they come back to get me and then, you walked by next to me.


I was lost with my words at that moment.


And I hurried away. I felt that my heart was beating fast. That was perhaps one of the rudest thing I have ever done in this land. As we stopped at the nearby hawker stalls for supper, you passed by. You saw me, you wave at me and then you stopped. From far, I could see your body language; you pointed at yourself, then point at me and nod your head as if you were asking, "Do you want my company?"

I waved back and slowly shook my head. You smiled again and finally walk away.

That was the last time I saw you.

You were no longer around when I went back to the same club ten months later. How are you doing?


Ganymede said...

That's a lovely post! Let's hope we stumbled upon him. :)

Anonymous said...

don't bring QR if not habis lu mia chance :P


Janvier said...

WAKAKAKAKA Jin is sooo right!

Next time this situation happens you are not letting opportunity slip by so easily!

William said...

Why did you decline?

Medie007 said...

ooo... some crush... :P

Fable Frog said...

Haiya~ next time see him, make your move lar~ Further more, we are supposed to be wild when in foreign country, no?

savante said...

Darlin, never fall for a money boy.

Jason said...

Small chance la, dear.

Jin & Janvier,
Wakakaka! Memang betul pun ^^

Cos my ex was with me.


Hehe... it's easy to say but hard to do.

Can't help it :>

Alex said...

Awwww.... I hope you'll find your crush again and have great sex with him :)

Jason said...

Thanks but WHAT!? No sex lah! Sex is pricey there :P

Mr.D said...


MrBunnyBan said...

Waitwaitwait... this guy was a money boy? @.@