I Miss The Boys

*Wednesday, 18th June 2008*

Warning: crappy grammar ahead.

I'm not really an animal person. I think they're noisy and it's a hassle to take care of 'em; feed them, bring them for walk, bathe them etc etc. The only animal I kept was fish. They don't make noise, their food are far more cheaper, no need to bring them for evening walk... but to clean the tank is a "heavy duty" (I'm getting lazier anyway).

But sometimes I missed the boys in Ipoh.

*Professor Hanson

My ex kept two dogs (the number became three now). He got Hanson, a male Golden Retriever from one of his ex. Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are famous for their calm, docile nature, hence Hanson is such an angel at home. His daily job is to eat, shit, laze around, sleep, sometimes will dig the soil and be the first to greet whoever come to visit. My ex will bathe him once every week but the task then slowly passed on to his eldest brother. Hanson was taught to show his front paw if you say "Hand" but he will only show the right paw.

*HeMan just about 1-2 months old.

He later bought a puppy Rottweiler as he needed a guard dog for his house and I named it HeMan (a "strong" name for a "strong" dog?). Rottweilers tails are snipped off when they're still small (I have no idea for what purpose). HeMan is the total opposite of Hanson, he bites whatever thing he could get; door mat, shoes, pebbles, plants etc. The vet recommended us to feed him with plenty of protein for his muscle buildup and a strong body frame. It was almost my full responsibility to take care of him when I sleep over at my ex's place on my off days where I have to feed him in the morning and get him some fresh water. He doesn't like dog biscuits so I sometimes add some milk to the biscuits or dog treats to it.

I miss tickling Hanson's stomach and play with his ears.

I miss scratching HeMan's head.


Lifebook said...

Can we tickling your stomach and scratching yours' head?? :P

Jason said...

No you can't. *stares

Precious Pea said...

Aiyyooo...Hanson is so handsome!! I almost adopted a golden retriever last week but somehow I knew I should not since i am migrating and bringing the two boys over will burn a big hole in our pocket.

William said...

I've got a feeling HeMan would prefer something meatier.

Jason said...

Precious Pea,
Yeah, Hanson is very handsome, hence the name (sound similar). Maybe you can adopt one after you migrated there T_T


savante said...

You sure you don't miss scratching your ex's belly instead? Sigh.

Mr.D said...

I never knew Rottweilers can be so cute.. :)

Jason said...

Come, I scratch yours. Why sigh?

Puppies are cute.

Leon Koh said...

they are not called man's best friends for nothing


Legolas said...

I love dogs! But I like cats more. They are classy.

Ganymede said...

Awwww. Cute doggies~~~

*pets Azzuro :P

Fable Frog said...

oh~ Hanson look smart with the glasses on! and He-man~? what a cute name! :D and Paul~ maybe Jason still can scratch and tickle the ex's belly~ :P