Lifebook's Second Revenge

*Saturday, 1st December 2007*

It's December already!
It's World AIDS Day today.
It's Saturday and I'm in office. Testing. Bored. Hungry.
Lifebook ONLY tag me for memes nowadays.

New Year Meme?

1. Naughty or good?
Good of course! I'm always a good boy.

2. How will you reward yourself at the end of the year?
No money to reward myself ler.

3. How do you plan to welcome 2008?
Let's see. It'll be jam everywhere. Maybe just go out for dinner or a small gathering at somewhere not so jam-packed with nice music and ambience. That would suffice.

4. What's the most far-out way you've welcomed new years?
Ergh... don't quite remember. There's one time I stood at the bridge somewhere in KL and watched the fireworks at KLCC. I haven't settled in KL yet that time.

5. What's the new year resolution you make and break over & over... ?
LOL. I don't make any New Year resolution. :P

6. Will there be a resolution for next year?
Nope. Same as the previous years.

7. What have you done this year that you would repeat in a heartbeat?
Uh... Peep someone in the toilet? Wahahahaha.... nope, I don't think so.

8. What cause do you support?
Does this has anything to do with New Year???
Red Campaign? Stop animal abuse?

9. Sofa or dance floor?
Another irrelevant Q. Sofa of course.

10. Iceland or Somoa?
Is that Samoa or Somoa? Samoa of course!

So, you make sure you do your homework to after you come back!


Lifebook said...

:P So fast, will do as promised. :P
Samoa. I had a typo. :)

Jason said...

Samoa... so pretty.

David The Man said...

Hey, don't forget that I have tagged you before to do my promise meme. Take your time, think them out and write them in your blog. We are all eager to know.