Christmas Came Early In Malacca

*Thursday, 27th December 2007*

When a few people grouped together, plans bloomed. That's how we came out with the Secret Santa plan (Christmas pressie exchange). But just to exchange gifts without a party, how could that be possible!

So, another plan came up - to celebrate Christmas earlier at Savante's house in Malacca. His dearest mom and sister-in-law prepares something different than the usual turkey meal - BBQ. It's gonna be a hot Christmas.

The Amazing Race Malacca

The seven of us in 2 cars. It's a 2 hour drive to south (or is it southwest actually?) so we entertained ourselves with mini karaoke session on Enchanted soundtracks. No idea what the rest in the other car did though. Maybe a quick orgy? :P

Welcome to Malacca

Reached Savante's place, threw our bags in one room and took a short break. Then, the jobs were given out - to pick some pork from another place, start the fire, babysit the niece and the list goes on.

Sister-in-law in action.
"Lemme show you how it's done, boys! Fan it, move faster!"

And start the sizzling part. Bring the food on!

After dinner, time for some light exercise. Twister game, that's it.

Mutants ready for action.

And the entanglement begins.
"Poooh, you don't fart here, you hear!"

What a mess :P

Tired from all the action, we took a small space by the window to ourselves for a little intimate chat and Baileys + red wine servings with these decorations around us...





The next day, presents were handed all around and glad that everyone got their favourite gifts. A quick shower and we're off for lunch, followed by a short walk at the infamous Jonker Street.


I think I had too much food and while on the way back, we stopped by the rest area and I went to the toilet, threw up. Felt much better after that.

Malacca, I shall come again!


William said...

Cantiknya rumah Doc...

Jason said...

Some part of the house are very... classic. Especially his room.

Janvier said...

Walk in and be hit by the aromatherapic smells first thing!

Alex said...

I saw myself! That's a quick summary!

Jason said...

Ooo.. yeah. There's a Lampe Berger thing behind the sofa.

Picture tells the rest of the event :P

David The Man said...

Wahhh... I am glad you enjoyed the party with everyone in Doc's house.