Weird Taste Protein

*Monday, 10th November 2008*

I was told that I looked skinny plenty of times and I should eat more. So, when I go out for dinner with flogger friends, you can hear this:

"Jason, you're the skinniest among us, so you have eat more. Come, I scoop for you!"

And my plate will be filled with a mountain of rice, meat, vegetables bla bla bla... But that doesn't work for me as I'm still skinny!

Now that I'm going to gym often, they said I need to take protein. I'm not fond of those protein drink (1. expensive, 2. Ujin took too much of that till he need to do operation to remove a stone from somewhere in his abdomen) so I increased my protein intake through lunch and dinner. In one week time, I ate so much eggs till I feel like I'm going to get heart attack very soon.

Nivlac was not around last weekend, and while I was ransacking the kitchen cabinets for ingredients to cook for lunch, I saw his protein container (6kg size I think). I got curious and so after meal, I opened it and took two scoops of the powder with just water.

It tastes quite awful, seriously. When I read the label, it says "strawberry flavored, artificially" (erghhh...) It feels like taking milk powder but no milky taste. Maybe I should add it with plain low fat milk instead of water next time.

He said he's no longer drinking that so I can have all the balance (more like the leftovers) myself. But how am I supposed to bring milk to the gym????


savante said...

Well you bring the powder and add the water at the gym cafeteria.

Fable Frog said...

you don't have to drink those at the gym, right? Well, i absolutely have no idea how all these works~ :P

J.L said...

For beginner like you, are not recommend for high protein intake.

Since your size is not bulk up yet. You can take protein through meal intake as well. But dont overtake it.

Those protein is for those who want to increase the muscle mass/growth.

J.L said...

The powder are recommend to take with low fat milk as it will increase the percentage from carbs, calories, fat, and proteins.

Don't mix with warm water as it will destroy the protein enzyme.

Glog said...

I know how they taste like...
Its pretty awful...
And about the skinny comment...
fret not, I get that all the time but we still eat like gluttons...
Its only natural and I believe I would get my bulk soon enough...

Rusty said...

Eggs are a good source of protein...perhaps you should just take 1full egg with yolk and the rest just the white. This way, you need not worry about getting heart attack! haha
Yes,if you add low fat milk to the protein drink, it will taste nicer. You can add banana too.

Jason said...

Well, yeah... so it will tastes weird.

They (people and label) says drink after workout. That's why many guys brought the powder in shaker along to gym.

That's what they told me: increase my muscle mass and I should get mass gain or something like that. Luckily I didn't add hot water. Thanks for the tips.

The good thing about skinny is you can eat plenty and no need to worry about getting fat :P

It's kinda hard to get just the egg white when eating out. Yeah, I guess I'll add milk to it next time.

Janvier said...

Oh so you're having trouble taking nivlac's protein? So. So. Salah.

Jason said...

Juk juk juk...

Little Dove said...

Maybe more chicken breast for a rich source of protein. I go for KFC! ;p

Alex said...

Wow.... I dunno Nivlac's protein come in strawberry flavoured in 6 kg size some more...
:P U might need more time to get used to it, after all it's an acquired taste... :D

Little Prince said...

if anyone is THIN i think it's ME ok!

anyways expert de with those protein shakes... get vanilla... mix it with strawberry milk~ ^_^ and erm buy GNC... seriously taste better. HAHA.

*there must be a reason why the strawberry is still there on the top shelve~ it doesn't taste good to Nivlac as well... LOLS*

Little Prince said...

eh eh... wait in order to gain weight or mass you should actually be taking in carbohydrate not protein shake...

protein is to heal more than to promote mass... it basically restores the mass and muscles.

so you are suppose to take carbohydrate before workout and take protein immediately after workout while the body is still erm warm... so it can absorb more~

kakaka macam expert... tapi kalau salah jangan marah. this is what my trainer said. LOLS.

deeperanddeeper said...

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title (before reading the post) was nivlac's protein lah... maaf ye... memang akal kotor... kakaka

Aiyo jason, patut la if you compare among food bloggers, of course you skinny la... that's why you all food blogger ma!! love food, makan lagi banyak food!

deeperanddeeper said...

The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title (before reading the post) was nivlac's protein lah... maaf ye... memang akal kotor... kakaka

Aiyo jason, patut la if you compare among food bloggers, of course you skinny la... that's why you all food blogger ma!! love food, makan lagi banyak food!

Sam said...

Some people only prefer their own protein. Make your own. :P

J.L said...

Step by step. Put some weight first then slowly proceed to muscle mass.

Gaining weight is easier. More carbs/calories. You can try GNC Weight Gainer 1850 or Weight Gainer 2200. Since i assume you eating alot but hardly gain weight, it might be you have high metabolism rate. So i suggest you Weight Gainer 2200. Weight gainer you need to take 3 times a day half any hour your meal.

If you want to gain weight and increase muscle mass. You can. Try take GNC Mass XXX. It will increase your weight and your mass.

About the food intake - egg. As you know just egg white. Max 3-4 a day.

More info can sms me one :)

Ganymede said...

And here I was wondering what protein you were referring to... Nivlac's protein shake some more...

Jason said...

Yeah, he asked me to take chicken breast too. But, deep fried?

Mind you, it's sweet okay :P

Hey, that's what my trainer said too. But he asked me to increase both protein and carbs lah. Ish, I think you're right about the leftovers in the cabinet... = ="

Faster go and satisfy your cravings ler :P But I guess that makes me in advantage hor, eat so much but no need to worry about putting on weights :P

You must be one of them!

Thanks for the info :)

I didn't mention the word "shake", didn't I? You sendiri pandai pandai imagine :P

JN said...

I hate supplements, they gave me pimples, I rather stay skinny. :x